Diet Suicide

I think it is wonderful and funny how November brings out the pumpkin in us all. Even if you just dip a toe into Pinterest, it  will come back to you with its stomach growling and its brain teaming with recipes for pumpkin goodness.

I do it every year. Starting with gobs, working my way through lattes, after having a grand flop of a pumpkin roll, I found myself drooling over this recipe for donuts.

Oh my. Goodness. I knew it was not wise, seeing as I had set myself a sugar fast goal. But I reasoned that the kids and the man deserved donuts, even if I didn’t. They were super easy to make. I am afraid I broke the fast and ate pretty much sugar, but it was also vegetables and grains, so I told myself. You really should try these. The pumpkin window will close before long.

4 thoughts on “Diet Suicide

  1. Ahemmmm….. those donuts shall be tried in this household today! Fried in coconut really is good for you! We’ll lose the lbs come spring. After all autumn and winter only come once a year:)

  2. After suddenly not being able to access your blog months ago, I have missed hearing from you. I was delighted to “rediscover” you yesterday! I enjoyed your blog so much as I read last night. I can identify in so many, many ways! 🙂 Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Betty Ann, I apologize for my sudden disappearance. The program I was using was no longer viable, and I didn’t catch it in time to link to my new address. It was nice to hear from you again.

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