Five Beauty Tips for Every Woman


Recently I saw an outfit selfie and the girl was saying, “I don’t know what it is, but something just seems wrong with this outfit. Help me out. Is it the cardigan? The dress? The combination of the cardigan, dress, and headband?” In her friends’ comments on the photo, someone made the illuminating observation that it was the sandals. They were too strappy and didn’t coordinate well with the horizontal lines on the dress. Okay then. I would never have thought of it. I am quite certain that I make frequent mistakes along those lines, but here’s the thing: I don’t really have time for that. When I ask my husband, “Does this look all right?” he often responds with, “You are a grown-up. You can wear what you like.” So very helpful and yet very freeing!

I have a lot of beautiful friends. Not one of them is ugly. Not one. Every woman that I know well enough to consider my friend has some beauty that I see and I rarely think about a lack of fashion sense unless they bring it up themselves. A few of them are gorgeous by any standard, but most have design flaws (yes, we think of them as design flaws and forget about the Designer) that they bug themselves about. I have good news though! These beauty tips are for everyone. It doesn’t matter if your ears stick out or your hair is flat or your face is wrinkled and liver-spotted. Seeing that I have so many lovely friends, I would like to share some beauty tips that I have gleaned from them.

  1. There really is beauty in simplicity. It is interesting to see the trends to neutral colors and simply tailored patterns come back. It seems the fewer flamboyant things you put on yourself, the less you have to worry that they clash. Granted, I have moved a fair distance from the four color options I could wear as a girl, but I do know that one should be careful about wearing plaids and floral prints together with a chevron scarf and a pile of Lilla-Rose hair accessories.
  2. The most beautiful people think about others more than themselves. You could have a triple chin and warts on every one, but if you are genuinely interested in others, they will think you are a wonderful person to be around. I have to be honest, sometimes when it seems like a person is just looking at one spot on my face, I get really nervous that I missed something obvious like a chin hair or broccoli stuck in my teeth. Sometimes I duck into the restroom to check in a mirror. This is not the self-absorption I am talking about, because I am inconsistent like that.
  3. A joyful smile shines like the best makeup you ever saw, and a whole-hearted person is lovely any way you look at her.  On the flip side, no amount of cosmetics will cover an unhappy face. You cannot paint a sour expression beautiful or color-coordinate the discontentment out of your soul.  A spirit that is not at peace just oozes out everywhere.
  4. Confidence is much more compelling than a woman who is shrinking inside herself with worry  (see 2. above ) about her weight, her hair, her flaws, and how she compares with everybody else in the immediate vicinity who is thinner, taller, shorter, blonder, more talented, etc. Elisabeth Elliot has always been one of my heroines. She had a very clear sense of purpose and she lived graciously in it. She also had a very obvious gap between her front teeth that flashed out every time she smiled. When she died, it was one of the things that people mentioned as most endearing about her.
  5. A brain is a fascinating thing; an empty head is not beautiful. Very few people like to spend time with vacuous females obsessed with selfies, shoes, boys, and bling. It is exhausting, watching the eyelid flutters and vain little airs that are supposed to be so fetching. I will confess that I have always fought an urge to stick a pin into this kind of girl. Put something worthwhile in the head: some ideas that are bigger than an Ipsy bag, some concepts that matter in the grand scheme of things, some opinions that are carefully formulated by actual thought processes, and then you start to see the woman whose worth is not tallied by the sum of her pretty features.

I have three little girls. It is a trust I take very seriously, teaching them about true beauty and values that transcend youthful charm. They are still young, sure, but I do not want them to suffer the agonies of insecurities that are a result of swallowing the idea that they are only worth as much as they are pretty.

These five things are sure-fire beauty tips that I am passing on to them. What have I missed? Do you have beautiful friends too?


10 thoughts on “Five Beauty Tips for Every Woman

  1. Good words, D. Peight, timeless and true. I love the beautiful women I know who are living these points. Having obsessed a lot of my life about my design flaws (you’re so clever with that term), I’m slowly finding freedom with this stuff. But pride and self consciousness die a hard death, even at over 40. 😕 Now we are raising three beautiful daughters, dealing with trends, instagram perfectness, what is natural, God-given desire to be beautiful and what is imposed on us by society. And ugh. It feels kind of like starting all over again. My husband directed me to this post. Thank you. I couldn’t agree more.

  2. “…You cannot paint a sour expression beautiful or color-coordinate the discontentment out of your soul…”

    Yes. Yes! YES!! The wisdom in this post is proof of just how much older you obviously are than I. 😜

    1. Um, Motz, assuming this was you, since your wife already weighed in… This is what I get for being so annoyingly in “the big kid crowd” that relegated you to “the little kid crowd” back in the day. Don’t forget that you were mature enough to photograph our wedding!

  3. YES!!! Beauty is a subject that has fascinated me the last few years, and I tuck away little insights from time to time. Many of these points are in that mental folder. 🙂 I really enjoy noticing styles and figuring out why a combination does or doesn’t work–probably due to my artistic nature. Yet, I agree that inner beauty always supersedes clothing and facial features. One thing I’d add is that beauty is owning your age. I think it’s wonderful, important, even, that we do our best to maintain health and fitness, but I’ve come to appreciate laugh (and crying) lines and softness that I see in women who have handled the stuff of life with grace and wisdom.

    1. You are right! Gracefully leaning into the current season… That should have been one of my points. Thanks for the added insight. (And I wish I had enough artistic inclination to be able to tell why things go together or not. That exhausts me, which is probably why I don’t understand how it can be such a big deal to another. 😊)

  4. “I will confess that I have always fought an urge to stick a pin into this kind of girl. ”
    My favorite line. ^ I’m rediscovering your blog tonight and loving it. 🙂 And this whole post is so good!

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